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More than 28 popular image formats are supported. (JPG, JPEG, JPE, GIF, TIFF, TIF.


"Support for more than 28 popular image formats. (JPG, JPEG, JPE, GIF, TIFF, TIF."
indir.biz Editor: Picolo an intuitive interface and easy to use. You can rename all your pictures gives a quick thumbnail view, copy, move, delete files and batch operations to a large number of separate image files without opening.

Picolo Image Viewer (Sharpen, Soften, Bump Map, Wave, Lens, increasing operations to 30 images can Buttonize, Drop Shadow, etc). De so, boxes, ellipses, or other files customized images to create a text, you can add arrows viewer object based includes.

Separate arm of the animated gif Picolo window view, all detailed information on individual frame as the frame is easy.

Enjoy a slide show full screen or window mode as well as more than 100 prema effects.

Supports more than 28 popular image formats. (JPG, JPEG, JPE, GIF, TIFF, TIF, PCX, TGA, PSD, PDD, PCD, RLE, BMP, ICO, CUR, and more)
* May be used as both browser and viewer.
* Full support for scanners and digital cameras TWAIN32 (RSS) for
* Plus is currently active as advertisements dağıtılmaktadır's-free *. Picolo 1.7 can now download free.

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